A Couple of Things You Should Know About Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad
Do not worry if you are facing male pattern baldness. You may have better treatment for genetic hair loss with the help of Hair transplant in Ahmedabad. To undergo this surgery, you need to find a reliable hair loss clinic.
However, only visiting a clinic will not solve your problem. It will be a better approach if you try to gain more information about the surgery before the treatment.
In this article, we are going to tell you about some most common things that you must consider before hair transplant surgery.
Hair transplant is surgical in nature:
Hair transplant is indeed a surgical treatment. It involves the removal of hair follicles from one place to the other region of the scalp. The donor areas are usually the back and both sides and the recipient areas may vary according to the condition of your scalp.
As a hair transplant surgical, it may cause mild pain or discomfort just like any surgical procedure.
You are treated with your own normal hair:
Hair transplant in Gujarat is not like using wigs to hide bald areas. In this treatment, your own real hairs are borrowed from the donor site and transplanted to the recipient areas. After fully hair growth, you will be able to treat your transplanted hair normally like hairs on other areas. You may wear any hairstyle and haircut after the treatment.
Hair transplant is a one-time solution:
Once you have undergone hair transplant surgery, you have no need of visiting the clinic again. You do not need to use any medication to retain the results. Hair growth in the transplanted areas will take place naturally after the surgery.
You would not observe instant results:
After the surgery, you will not see instant results. your scalp needs enough time to heal. Moreover, hair growth after the treatment is going to take place steadily. Thus, you have to wait for at least six months to 12 months to see full results.
You need a qualified doctor to have good results:
Only qualified and experienced doctors treat the patients with optimum artistic and technical skills. Therefore, you have to visit a clinic that has a team of highly qualified doctors. Fake clinics and inexperienced doctors may ruin the results of the treatment. Thus, it is better you stay away from fake clinics and their claims.
Hair shedding happens after the surgery:
You may see that your hair will shed completely after the surgery but this is only a temporary stage. Hair follicles inside the skin are safe and they will grow new hairs soon. Initially, these hairs will seem thinner but gradually, they will attain full strength and thickness.
Hair transplant is not costly:
Actually, nothing is free in this world and you need to pay for everything that is available in the market. Clinics offer paid medical services. Usually, Hair Transplant Cost in Ahmedabad depends on different factors like the grade of baldness, hair transplant techniques, medications, number of required hairs, place of the clinic etc. So, we cannot say hair transplant is costly. Actually, every surgical procedure is costly.
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