
Showing posts from December, 2021

​How To Prevent a Receding Hairline?

  Experts say that you have to see a clinic for hair transplant in Ahmedabad if you are experiencing male pattern hair loss. Generally, hair loss patients are not able to detect the problem because they treat this problem as a normal hair fall problem. If you are facing hair loss and want to find out the underlying causes of hair loss, you have to observe the hairline. If you observe recession in your hairline, it is possible you are facing genetic baldness. In this blog, we are going to discuss hairline and its recession. Read and enhance your knowledge about hair and hair loss. What is a receding hairline? Your hairline is receding if you notice that hairs on your forehead are falling down gradually and hairs on your temples begin to thin as well. Again, your crown also shows signs of hair loss. Genetic hair loss is common in both men and women but women rarely see the recession of the hairline and it is more common in men. Reasons that cause a receding hairline Family history: ...

Why Should You Choose an Experienced Surgeon for a Hair Transplant?

  Hair transplant in Ahmedabad is an effective and permanent solution for genetic hair loss. In this treatment, a surgeon is supposed to extract healthy and baldness-resistant hairs from the back and sides of the patient’s head. These transplanted hairs are stored in a protective solution and transplanted into the bald scalp. This process is not as easy as it seems. Extracting hairs from the correct area and inserting them appropriately is not a piece of cake. Only an experienced and skilled hair loss surgeon will be able to perform these complex steps. Thus, it is vital you find out an experienced surgeon for the surgery. What is an experienced surgeon supposed to do? An experienced and skilled surgeon is going to ask some questions about your health, addictions, family history, medications, etc. In the next step, the surgeon will check your scalp with the help of some tests and visual inspection. If you are a victim of genetic hair loss, the surgeon will provide a date for the s...

Hair Transplant Can Give You Permanent Solution?

  Hair loss is a serious scalp problem that takes place due to a lot of reasons like chronic illness, hairstyles, hair products, improper diet, etc. However, genetic and hormonal reasons play a vital role to make your scalp bald. These reasons cause male pattern baldness that is the most common type of hair loss. Hair transplant in Gujarat is the best procedure for the treatment of genetic hair loss. During the hair transplant surgery, your surgeon will remove the hairs from your own scalp and transplant these hairs to the bald scalp. Actually, these hairs are baldness resistant and grow in new areas for a long time. Hair transplant surgery is done with the use of two main techniques called follicular unit transplant or FUT or follicular unit extraction or FUE. This blog is about mainly the FUE hair transplant technique. What is the FUE hair transplant technique? In follicular unit transplant, a strip of skin is removed from the donor site and hairs are harvested from the same. Bu...

A Simple Guide To Hair Transplant Cost: What You Can Be Expecting to Pay and How to

  Hair transplant in Ahmedabad is very efficient for genetic baldness. Thousands of hair loss patients may have the treatment successfully and many others are going to visit the clinic for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, there are several hair loss patients who are not yet ready for the treatment because of several confusions. One example of these confusions is the cost. These patients think that hair transplant is a costly process. Actually, it is not a completely true fact. You have to pay for any surgical treatment. Thus, the cost of a Hair Transplant in Gujarat should not surprise you. How do the clinics determine hair transplant cost ? When you visit a hair loss clinic, the clinic is supposed to determine the cost on the basis of the following factors: Grade of baldness: To determine the final cost, clinics have to look at the grade of baldness. Progression of baldness is often divided into seven stages and every next stage is going to be severer than the previous s...

​You Must Check Google Reviews before Getting a Hair Transplant

  If you are going to have a Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad , you need to find out a reliable clinic for permanent treatment. Actually, there are several factors that make a clinic reliable. For example, a trained team of doctors and highly effective equipment signify clearly that the clinic is able to detect and treat your hair loss problem. It is not tough to find out hair loss clinics nowadays since most clinics have their own websites. They provide often reliable information about the treatment along with offers to attract the patients. Most components are made to bring some customers to the websites. Thus, it is necessary to find out the most attractive area of the website. According to web experts, most hair loss patients like to read the stories of former patients. Thus, reviews of patients should be the most attractive part of a website. The owners of the clinic invite former patients to write some reviews since they want you to be fully convinced. Thus, most clinics would no...

The Leading Hair Transplant Guide

  Besides other solutions for hair loss, Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad is a permanent and popular solution. Hair transplant is a one-time solution and you do not need to visit the clinic again for any type of treatment after the surgery. If you do not know much about hair transplants and want to be treated with hair transplant surgery, you have to be familiar with the method to avoid poor results. In this blog, we have provided a precise description of hair transplant surgery. Read and prepare yourself for a life-changing experience! Why do people like this treatment? If you experience male pattern baldness or genetic baldness, only a hair transplant can help you with the support of modern tools and technology. According to modern researches and developments, hair transplant is done with the use of baldness-resistant hairs growing in the back and both sides to yield proper results after the surgery. Hair transplant is a permanent, cost-effective, and one-time solution. Therefore, i...

Five causes that may be triggers for genetic hair loss

  Both genders can lose hair but it is more common in males. Hair loss is a common scalp issue that removes hairs from the scalp and your scalp like a smooth and shiny surface without a single trace of hair. However, a single layer of hair exists in the back and sides. Experts say that these hairs are extremely important since the surgeon uses them for a hair transplant in Gujarat . Symptoms of genetic hair loss are a receding hairline, severe hair thinning, and hair loss. In this blog, we are talking about five common reasons that are responsible for genetic hair loss. Have a look! Reason 1 Genetic reasons: You have to go bald it is written in your genes as a code. This issue is usually called genetic hair loss or androgenic alopecia. This condition is observed with aging. The pattern of this disease is predictable since it always takes place similarly in different patients. In men, a spars layer is left as a donor area whereas in women, the entire scalp experiences hair loss. Wom...